
My name is Eva Feenstra. I’m currently studying Graphic Design at the HKU, University of the Arts Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Ever since I was little I’ve been a storyteller. During my study I’ve been experimenting with different media and materials to tell the stories in the way that fits them. For me stories don’t have to be super clear. I like it when they give space for own interpretation; that way all kinds of other stories are created.

I take most of my inspiration out of childhood, nature, philosophy and personal experiences. I like to tackle large and abstract subjects and pick out details to make them smaller and more understandable.

For me the combination between analog and digital is very important and something I love to use. I think it gives an extra dimention to the final piece. I’ve also been experimenting more with moving images, and it’s something I’m still finding my own way in.

If you want to see more behind the scenes you can check out my Instagram: