Inzoemen’ is about the problem of the dying bees. The bee is always drawn as a small, innocent, not very strong creature, especially in ‘childish’ illustrations. In the animation I tried to change that and create a strong looking creature using the shapes form those ‘childish’ bee illustrations.

Everything around us can be converted into a few simple lines. Look at the world as a big comic book in which everything is outlined with a black marker. A world in which the immortal is possible. Even for the smallest flying shapes.


1.Bloesembloeier 2.Sterrenmunt 3.Blauwblaadje 4.Geelstuif 5.Imkerrood 6.Roseeb 7.Zamzaam 8.Grasspriet 9.Bomenpitter 10.Pollaan 11.Vincent 12.Preibij 13.Bitterzoet 14.Druppelklein 15.Fragieltje 16.Lavenelier 17.Siersob 18.Zonnedans 19.Ukaij 20.Padvinder 21.Hanenkammer 22.Lijntjefijntje 23.Leukeleuter 24.Kruimeldief 25.Cilinder 26.Bloempluis 27.Inktpupil 28.Alveger 29.Dopjekopje 30.Sprigwig 31.Bieémien 32.Schorsboog 33.Lilabuik 34.Klokmok 35.Praatjesmaker 36.Soetgauw 37.Blaadjesgaper 38.Lellebel 39.Graperbes 40.Dorothee 41.Klimopslaper 42.Papierprikker 43.Snipperpipper 44.Diepstaarder 45.Maanoog 46.Bijwie 47.Bloemmeel 48.Sokkendrager 49.Waama 50.Hogeitje 51.Pantserpilp 52.Stickysting 53.Kwastjesbraam 54.Maya 55.Peachpuff 56.Buikgestruikje 57.Rimpelbimpel 58.Radijs 59.Wokkel 60.Waterprater 61.Zoetsnoet 62.Huigflater 63.Ideoka 64.Vlei 65.Egh 66.Armaag 67.Bolwaai 68.Zweefwolk 69.Wildbloemer 70.Bosvleugelaar 71.Goudgraver 72.Bonbonton 73.Pluviop 74.Petteling 75.Brie 76.Madelieva 77.Equiliera 78.Orageen 79.Duovleug 80.Blientje 81.Boekenlegger 82.Speesgewees 83.Raamtoevlieger 84.Framoog 85.Deesieblem 86.Schuimpluim 87.Oppakkerrak 88.Fraaikam 89.Conconfraaier 90.Tiggelier 91.Streepgewaad 92.Fietje 93.Hildegard 94.Wolligjasje 95.Omasier 96.Pindahoed 97.Detailie 98.Foetslaap 99.Vitamiener 100.Feenfeen

With these shapes hundreds of new bee variations can be created. Hundred new bee variations that are immortal.

