Dreams are like collages of everything you’ve ever seen. Flashes of images mixed together, connected into a new story. Often it is an abstract story of which you cannot discover the meaning. With that in mind, I started working.
I wanted to create a little dream world that people could step into, guided by images, sound and tactility. I think room for your own interpretation stimulates your fantasy. That’s why I didn’t create the story beforehand, but give the visitors the freedom to create their own. After all, we all dream different dreams.
Exhibited at the Academie Galerie, Utrecht 2023 / Sincerely Yours
During the HKU minor 'What Is Fashion?' we were given the freedom to explore, research and give shape to a personal fascination. I decided to explore my fascination for dreams. I dream the weirdest dreams, and I always wonder what the meaning behind it is. While going out of my comfort zone by working with new media and materials I was able to explore this subject.
With the projection I wanted to recreate how I see dreams. I did this by experimenting with light and blurry images. In the projection I brought some of the objects that were in the space to life, by combining it with a body. This was also to bring back the question of the minor 'What Is Fashion?' where the objects in the space are just objects, but in the projection they are connected with the body, so does that make it fashion?
I wanted the sound to be dreamy and be stimulating to dream away while being in the installation. For the sound design I also used the collage technique which I’ve used throughout this whole project.

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